Not a Photographer

I am not a photographer, but I take all of my product shots.

Photography is an artform. It takes time and practice to develop those skills.

I know my skills need practice but, like most artists, I like to focus most of that time and practice on my own art. Photography doesn’t always make the priority list.

Although I likely won’t ever master photography, I have gotten better over the last few years. The photos below show examples of my photographs from 2020 when I started wire work and a recent photo.

Photograph taken in 2020 with a lot of photo editing

Photograph taken in 2022 with minimal photo editing

Although both of these photos were taken with a DSLR camera on a tripod, I think I’ve gotten better with composition and lighting (started using a light box). It’s a work in progress.

You might be saying, “why not hire someone to take some product shots.”

Although I would love to have some professional photographs of my work, a good photographer is expensive and rightly so. You get what you pay for, especially with photography. Since there are typically only a few pieces ready to photograph at a time and I’m not yet doing online sales, I can’t rationalize spending the money on professional photographs.

Maybe one day I’ll do a professional photo shoot to showoff some of my pieces. But in the meantime, please bear with me as I try to get better at photography.

I am always open to photography tips and suggestions. Feel free to leave some in the comments below.




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