Is it Amethyst or Purple Fluorite ?

Being a very popular mineral, it is common for people to think that all purple gemstones are Amethyst.

In fact, there are several other purple minerals used in jewelry including Charoite, Stichtite, purple jade, and tanzanite.

However, the gemstone that is most commonly mistaken for amethyst is purple fluorite.

Amethyst Crystals

Purple Fluorite Crystals

Let me help you distinguish between these two beautiful purple minerals.

Look for colour variations

Amethyst (see photo) - various shades of purple & white.

Purple Fluorite - can have multiple colours

Look at the colour transitions

Amethyst - known for having a dog tooth pattern with abrupt transitions

Purple Fluorite (see photo) - colour bands with smooth transitions

Check the Hardness

Amethyst (see photo) - harder - not easily scratched by other jewelry

Purple Fluorite - softer - easily scratched by other jewelry (store separately)

Introduce Water

(I wouldn’t try this one)

Amethyst - not effected

Purple Fluorite (see photo) - lightly soluble. Never submerge in water. Clean with a damp cloth instead.

Get out your UV light

Amethyst - no fluoresce

Purple Fluorite - may fluoresce (see photo - from The Fluorescent Mineral Society)

Both Amethyst and Fluorite (every colour) have a prominent spot in my mineral and jewelry collections. I can’t decide which I like better.

Which one of these attractive purple minerals do you prefer?

Amethyst (Left) & Purple Fluorite (Right)

In my next blog, I will be talking about ‘fools gold’ (pyrite) and it’s close cousin marcasite.


History of Viking Knit


A rainbow of fluorite